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Our Favorite Websites

Financial Sites

This is a list of websited that we often refer to for financial news, economic data, and market research.  Please feel free to learn from them and utilize them as you trade.


Bloomberg - Financial news, market data, and research services.

CNBC - Global business and financial news, stock quotes, and market data and analysis.

Deal Analytics - Financial analysis of mergers, acquisitions, takeovers, restructurings, and bankruptcies.

Dorsey Wright - Point and figure charting tools.

Greenbackd - Identifies undervalued securities with a catalyst for increased value.

Impactopia – Analytic tools for unraveling relationships between financial instruments.

Market Folly - Tracks the portfolios of 40+ prominent hedge funds.

Stock Charts - Tools for technical market analysis.

Yahoo Finance - Financial news, stock quotes, current and historical market data, and message boards.



Miscellaneous Sites

This is a list of websites we often turn to for news, entertainment, and information.  Visiting these sites is a great way to pass some downtime in the market or decompress at the end of a long day.  Beside each description, you will find the initials of the trader who added that site to our list.


Chris Blattman - A blog about foreign policy and international development. (AF)

Drudge Report - Conservative global news aggregate. (MM)

ESPN - Sports news, scores, statistics, analysis, and entertainment. (MM)

Food 52 - A compilation of recipes and blogs from home cooks.  (AF)

Full Tilt Poker - Online poker tournaments and lessons. (MM)

Twitter - Short and sweet social networking. (AF)

Yanks Abroad - Soccer news about Americans playing overseas. (JK)

Zen Habits - Advice on simplifying life and the chaos of the daily grind. (AF)