Areade D. - Prospect
Attention Yoga Nation, one of your own has gone rogue.
“I’m pretty sure the baby didn’t envision this after 9 months in the womb.”
Merry Christmas!!!
A message from the man himself
Hopefully you get something you ACTUALLY want. Just talking from experience.
I’m looking at you Aunt Jenny…..  Cheap.
HedgeFundLive Avatars.
Jango Fett
New breed of High Frequency Traders.
Sports Weekend.
Premiership matches, NBA games, NFL games, College Bowl games, it’s gonna be a fun weekend.
HedgeFundLive Avatars.
Jack Shuman aka Star man.
1. Raising kids is the ultimate risk.
2. I’ve been fired from every financial firm on the street. Goldman, Lehman, Oppenheimer. Robert Lehman fired me personally.
3. Prayer is part of the system.
4. My Bar mitzvah teacher paid my parents so that I wouldn’t have to take lessons.
5. At Colgate I studied Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll.
6. The Nasdaq is trying, trying, its like my grandfather before the end.
7. I don’t even know what I just said.
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